How To Write An Article – Quality & Uniqueness

Content Writing is an art which can be learned and mastered over time. Content Writing is more of a passion than a full-time job. It’s a job with passion and so your content must look like it came out of passion rather than a routine job. The Newbie’s Guide on How to write an Article in 2019 will provide you an insight on this awesome world of Blog and Articles.
Since more and more people are getting into blogging with every passing day, it’s really tough to maintain the quality and uniqueness of your content. People from all over the world, from different backgrounds, are engaging themselves in content writing. People are doing this as passion or profession, maybe for themselves or maybe for others but anyhow millions of blogs are getting published every day.
In this ever growing competition, you need to be unique to sell your blog. Your content should be compelling and thought-provoking and must stand out from the rest.
As I said earlier, Blogging is an art and your particular style will help you to stand out and create your own identity.
Every Artist has his own exclusive style and some time you just need a little push to find your style. Knowing how to write an article is essential, but how to write a unique piece is equally important.
Making your content unique will obviously require lots of hard work and patience but if you are willing to go that extra mile, it means you clearly have that fervour for writing, so let’s go ahead and explore the options.
Independent Content
This is important. Like really important. We have a tendency to look around for inspiration. We keep looking for ideas by reading the contents of other bloggers.
Reading other bloggers work is good and important but you need to understand that this shouldn’t be your only source of inspiration. Your content generation process must be unique and it comes from you. It should be your absolute content.
Personal experience
You can use your own personal experiences within your blogs as this is very intimate and will definitely provide an uncommon and rare experience for your readers. You can relate any particular experience and put it in your blog and by doing this you will feel more confident and more comfortable rather than writing about someone else’s experience.

By now you must be getting a sense of what you need to do and what you should probably do but you could probably be thinking that it’s easier said than done. So, here we are and believe me some say this is brainstorming but I prefer to call this Big Bang Theory, from where everything started.
An Idea can change everything. The idea development process is like an initial investment for your blog. But it’s ironic that people often take this step very lightly. Developing idea is a rigorous process but believe me, it’s like building the foundation for your house, more strong the foundation, more strength to the house.
Brainstorming involves many steps and you can try either of them or all of them as the only thing that matters is your end result.

Free Flow of Ideas
Start your Brainstorming with a free flow of ideas. At start don’t be judgemental, let all ideas come naturally, be it a bad idea or a good idea. Start writing down everything and eventually it will ignite a flow of ideas. Naturally flowing ideas is a great way to begin. It will loosen you up and make you comfortable.
Free writing
Just like the free flow of ideas, in free writing, you just need to write down about everything that comes to your mind. Just start writing and set a limit of 1-2 pages after filling those you will have at least 10-15% of reasonable data. This will improve your data mining ability and will be fruitful in the longer run.
Subject Knowledge
Before writing a blog you should be equipped with proper knowledge of the subject. You should begin the learning process. If u have selected a certain area for blogging you should keep reading about it. This will increase your knowledge and will be helpful in producing quality content. Knowledge will empower you with insight about your particular topic or area at large. You will be more comfortable in taking questions from your readers.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis is to know about your Strength, your Weakness, Opportunities that you have and Threats you may face. It’s a kind of analysis you perform to make yourself well equipped in any scenario. SWOT Analysis will help you to take decisions effectively and with a positive mindset, ideas will come naturally and also you will initiate a process of Critical Thinking that we will talk later.
Reverse Thinking
Normal thinking process starts with asking questions or to solve problems. In reverse thinking, you have to find classic ways to cause a problem. In Reverse thinking, you should first start with a problem/question and ask yourself “how could I cause this?” Once you have listed classic ways to create problems, you are just ready to start solving them!
Asking Questions
Well, you can first start Reverse thinking and later start Asking Questions or vice-versa. It depends on you but both of them are equally important. So, now you start asking questions, random questions. Any question related to your topic or area of blogging, just start asking them.
Now, you will have a list of questions related to your topic or area and soon you will have a list of topics for your blogs and believe me you will find this very helpful.
Time Constraint
Sometimes, Timing your tasks brings out some unexpected results. It also tests your efficiency and true potential. You can try timing your brainstorming sessions. You can put a timer and start writing ideas, say in 15 min you need to find 20 topics or 10 unique ideas. This will help to find new and unique ideas.
Idea Bank
After all these sessions, all the ideas that you have penned down will create a database for you, we call it Idea Bank. Idea Bank will help you to find new ideas or topics whenever you find yourself out of topics. This will be a kind of your personal database where you will have some of your finest and unique but raw ideas that have the potential to become a major blog someday
Critical Thinking
Lastly, we come to Critical Thinking where you need to carefully and skilfully analyse and assess your thinking pattern about any subject, topic or content. Critical Thinking is always self-monitored and it brings out very compelling and competent problem-solving ability. Critical Thinking will help you to become organised and more efficient.
Prioritize Content Creation
Creating content must be your top priority. There may be several options that will get in your way like reading some exciting contents or getting engaged in certain blogs comments but above all what you do for your self will matter and also this is the only thing that will help you. So make sure to prioritize your content creation over any other thing.
How To Write An Article Error-Free.

Writing content can be challenging sometimes. Your job is not limited only to find great ideas but also to make sure your content is error-free. Often many grown-up people can make some grammatical errors and it’s a fact that whenever you decide to write content, you need to take proper attention in making your content error-free. At this point, making grammatical mistakes can be a big let-down and also quite annoying. Making grammatical mistakes is natural when you are in free flow mode and when you are writing continuously. Self-correcting your mistakes are tiresome work and also you often ignore your mistake and so for that, there are certain tools which will work for you to make your content error-free.

Grammarly is a widely used grammar checker tool which is widely used to check and correct grammar, punctuations and spellings. This tool also has a premium version which will help you to check plagiarism.
After the Deadline
After the Deadline is an online platform is built by the same people who made WordPress. This platform helps you to correct and avoid contextual errors. This tool will help to make your WordPress blog, free from any styling errors. It can easily integrate with WordPress.
Ninja Essays
Ninja Essays provides services like online content writing with the help of pro-writers. Their content quality is amazing. They help you with your content in every possible way to make it a brilliant and impeccable piece.
PaperGear is a tool which is mostly in demand for budding bloggers, startups, and freelancers. They are basically a proofreader and when you have a bulk of contents to post overnight, they might come in handy.
PaperRater is a free tool, widely used by bloggers or students for proofreading their contents. This tool also provides services such as spellcheck and plagiarism checker. Since this is a free tool so it is widely used by students and bloggers.
Content writing is a serious business and you need to leave a lasting impression on your readers to come back to your page again and again. So, you need to be sure that your content must be flawless and also error-free. Amazing ideas and interesting topics can attract readers but good writing ability will make them stay and to come back.
How To Write An Article Non-Plagiarised

So now you are almost ready with your awesome content. You have your own brilliant idea and not to say your content is flawless and error free but, and this is a big but, have you, at any point of time went ahead and find some interesting work on the internet and you want to add that piece to your blog to make it even better. Well, my dear friend, this is called plagiarism. This can happen to anyone. Sometimes mistakes are an honest mistake, sometimes intentional but anyways whatever may be the reason, you should try to avoid this at all cost.
While searching for ideas, you can be intimidated by blogs of other writers and all you need to do is ctrl+c and ctrl+v.
Any honest and hardworking blogger whose only aim is to provide fantastic content to their readers can run into this danger.
You can avoid this by checking your content with some free and paid tools. These tools with their own algorithm will check your content with all available sources and tell you whether your content or any part of it is copied or not along with links to the source.
Plagiarism checker by Small SEO Tools
This tool checks your content online with Google and tells you about its uniqueness. Small SEO Tools provide this service along with other services as well like Grammar checker, word counter etc.
WorldEssays Plagiarism Checker
WorldEssay is also a free plagiarism checker. It lets you check 5 contents per months. After that, you need to take membership
Quetext is a paid plagiarism checker which is very effective and helps you find how much of your content is copied and also provides links to the source.
So, feeling excited! This is your first blog, and you should be. Now you have brainstormed a fantastic idea, you have made your content error free and you have not copied it from anywhere since you are a hard working person and you have to make your own mark. Go ahead my friend and click that publish button and welcome to this amazing world of blogging.